Running Club Life
26th September 2024
Websites Powered by connectMyClub

Starting today, we've updated websites Powdered by connectMyClub.

Inspired by top global brands, we've given club websites a lighter, fresher look. The heavy, solid-coloured header bar is now replaced with a more appealing "Apple" style design. We've also revamped the clunky site buttons to enhance the user experience.

If your club isn't yet using a website Powered by connectMyClub and wants a more manageable and time-efficient site that integrates all existing club data from connectMyClub effortlessly, get in touch. We can set you up with a test site in minutes.

29th August 2024
What's that new icon

We've receive a few emails over the past week asking what the new '+' icon is on the training leader's attending list is.

This new icon allows your training leaders to see who in their group has saved medical notes in their ICE details. Obviously, some people do put N/A, or No medical issues in their medical notes, which are perfectly valid things for a medical professional to be made aware of. If everyone did this then having the medical + symbol next to people names becomes a little pointless. This morning we have been working through the various different ways people put "none" or "n/a" etc so these do not activate the medical +  icon. All medical notes are still viewable by tapping the "snowflake" icon no matter what they say. In a future app update we will add a "N/A" toggle to the in-app ICE details form.

We hope this proves to be a useful feature, albeit a rarely used one.

There is still the odd 'hilarious' medical note like "allergic to wife" that we have not done anything with.

24th July 2024
Race League Tables Generator and Member Race Results

Following our July 18th email on Race League Tables, we have developed new features that are now available as BETA versions.

The first updated feature is the Race League Generator. It allows you to create a race league table for male and female club members based on their race finish times. You can choose which event distances to include and for which year. Add the points for first place for each event distance, click Submit, and your club's race league will be generated and downloaded. The table will display names, events, finish times, and points for each club member (registered app users only).

We also have a Results Checker that lets you query the database for finish times over selected distances for a specified period or check results for individual members.

A new feature, Race Results Download/Upload, allows you to download a results spreadsheet for a selected event, showing the finish times (H:M:S:MS) for each club member (registered app users only). Members who haven't entered their finish time or didn't attend the event will show as 00:00:00:00. You can input the finish time on behalf of your club members, edit and save the spreadsheet, then re-upload it. The finish times and any PBs/Season's Best times will be updated.

Why not use Run Britain Ranking/Power of 10 data?

We contacted Run Britain to inquire about an API for connectMyClub to access data from Run Britain Rankings/Power of 10. Unfortunately, there is no API available for third-party use.

Newsletter Events List

In your club's next newsletter, any member who achieves a year's best result in an event will be highlighted in bold for the entire club to celebrate their achievement. Be sure to switch on the Events toggle to see this update.

The features mentioned in this email are BETA versions. If you notice anything incorrect or have suggestions for improvement, please let us know.

18th July 2024
Race League Tables

We're excited to highlight an improved feature to help clubs to create a race league table throughout the year. Under Organise > Race League, you will now find a Download Full Race League button with a year selector. Clicking this button will generate and download a spreadsheet displaying the best times of the year for all distances from 5k to Full triathlon for all club members.

The spreadsheet includes columns for First Name, Last Name, Event, Distance, Time, Milliseconds, and Points, divided into tabs for Male, Female, and None, the latter for members whose gender isn't recorded.

The first five columns are straightforward. Points is left blank for your club's calculations. Milliseconds stores race finish times from the connectMyClub database, enabling easy sorting from fastest to slowest to identify the quickest times across distances.

If your members have connected their Strava or Garmin accounts to connectMyClub, their assumed parkrun times will be included in the spreadsheet. The criteria for assuming a parkrun are:

  • The distance is between 4.85KM and 5.3KM
  • The run starts between 8:55am and 9:05am / 9:25am and 9:35am on a Saturday

With a connected Strava or Garmin account, your members' race finish times are obtained from GPS data, in case they forget to manually add their finish time after their race.

We hope this updated feature will assist your club in the challenging task of compiling a race league table.

DON'T FORGET to remind your members to add any events they've entered into their connectMyClub app Upcoming Events. Without their data, connectMyClub cannot obtain their race results.

25th April 2024
NEW FEATURE Showcase your club's races

We're excited to introduce a brand new feature that will showcase your club races in both the connectMyClub app and on the all-new connectMyClub website events page.

Clubs can now add an enticing banner image to highlight races. Each time a connectMyClub app user searches for events in the app Find an event feature, a new event banner image will load. Your club's race could sit proudly atop the app for all to see. Users and website visitors will see all relevant event details and a link button to take them directly to the event website. App users can use the 'one-tap' + add your club's event to their Upcoming Events list. You will see from the club portal  Subscriptions page that you can now purchase credits to allow your club to add an image to your club events. 

We hope this new feature will attract many connectMyClub users and the general public to participate in your club's races.

22nd March 2024
This week's updates 2

This week we've been working on improving a couple of features of the connectMyClub app and club admin portal.

What's happening in the app?

In the coming app update, there's a pretty big update to the Training Leaders Incident Report feature. We've brought the feature in line with UKA's and RoSPA's online incident report forms and added the ability for photos to be added to incident/accident reports. This should make record keeping of any training accidents/incidents at your club even easier.

Training Wallets

Although having money in members' training wallets means money in the bank, earning interest for the club there may be a need to limit the amount any individual club member can carry in their training wallet at any one time. You can now set a wallet balance maximum Organise > Training > Wallets

As always we hope these updates help you to run your club even more smoothly.

8th March 2024
A little story about training - Update news

At our club's training session on Wednesday, we had various groups all meeting in one location where the mobile Internet connection was sketchy at best. Some networks just about got a signal some others, not a chance. Training leaders from two groups fell into the latter category so they could not mark people as having arrived using their "Who's attending" list. Luckily, there were a couple of people from the club there who had connectMyClub training admin rights. Their phones were in the "just about picked up Internet connection" category. The 'training register' was able to be completed so the club's records are correct.

The little story above highlights another use for giving some people club admin rights for training or having leader supports designated for training groups.  

What else has been happening?

We've just released app version 2.7.4/5 (.4 on Android .5 on iOS and web) In this update we've had some people test from around the country as there have been some background modifications to the code as well as some new features added.

New & update features

  • Account registration now in-app. This will soon be removed from the connectMyClub website
  • Password reset now in-app. This will soon be removed from the connectMyClub website
  • Club calendar/Team events can now be linked to a shop item. This could be a useful addition if, for instance, your club is hosting an awards evening for which your members need to purchase a ticket. They will see the event on the club calendar and there will be a link directly to the item in the shop, in this case, the ticket for the awards evening.
  • Viewing Training wallet payments now in-app. This will soon be removed from the connectMyClub website
  • Club Code of Conduct agreement added. Your club can use the UKA and/or British Triathlon Code of Conduct then add your club's own section to the top. Club members can then be asked to confirm the Code of Conduct. Your club will then have a record of the members who have and haven't confirmed that they will abide by the club Code of Conduct.
  • PAR Questionnaire added.  Also useful for club members to answer a few questions about their general health and fitness before doing a bit of training. With this new feature, the club will have a record of people's general health.
  • User events, PBs/Season's Bests feature completely rewritten. One really for the app user but the club has access to their members' race finish times, athletics events results, & PBs 

One thing has been tightened up when setting up training. If your club has ICE Required enabled for members to join training groups, then, if a training leader does not have their ICE details saved they will not be able to be added as a group leader until they have added their own ICE details.

As always we hope these updates prove useful.

An update on UKA incident reporting.

Our request for direct uploading of incident reports via the club portal is currently with RoSPA and UKA. We will let you know more as soon as we do.

26th February 2024
NEW FEATURE : Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PARQ)

In readiness for the next app update, we have added a new feature to Organise > Training > Accidents, Incidents, & PARQ on the club's connectMyClub portal.

There is a list of six questions that can be activated to create a PARQ questionnaire in the connectMyClub app. You can then ask your members to complete a simple checkbox questionnaire within their app. Responses will be available on each member's profile on the club members list.

If you would like any additional questions please let us know. All questions will be available to all clubs to activate.

We hope this proves to be a useful new feature to help with the ever-increasing amount of Health & Safety hoops that we all seemingly need to jump through these days.

21st February 2024
A BIG update is on the way

Over the past week we have begun the update of the race and athletics meetings features in the connectMyClub app and club portal to bring them together as one.

Some clubs add race e.g. London Marathon to their club calendar / team events. This is not the correct place for races. There is a race listing feature available in the connectMyClub app where users (your club members) can create a list of races that they are participating in. After the race they can then add a finish time and position. This then calculates whether the time over the race distance is a PB or Season's best time. The data in this feature populates the club newsletter. The post race data is available for clubs to use, maybe to calculate handicap times for a summer handicap series, or to see which members have performed best over the year to help work out most improved for awards night.

We are working on an app update to better help the user to keep their race records. Coming soon !!

How do we add races ?

An app user can add the details of a race, if they don't find the race after a search in their connectMyClub app. Here at connectMyClub we then add any missing and correct any incorrect details entered by the user. The race is then approved and available to any connectMyClub user to add to their upcoming races. Clubs can now add race details, if the race is not yet in the race database in Organise > Races on your club portal. There are a few housekeeping rules to follow.

  • Check that the race isn't already in the race database (there a list available to scroll through when adding a race)
  • If an event has multiple race distance each distance needs to be added as a separate race
  • Don't add the year tot the race title. e.g. London Marathon 2024 is incorrect, just London Marathon will do.

If you club puts on it own race e.g. a race open to the public or a summer handicap series for the club, these are added using the same feature but using a different option.

What about athletics ? 

This is a part of the big update. A couple of days ago we restructured the athletics meets and races database tables. For some reason, when we created them six years ago, the structures were different, obviously we had reasons !!!!! They are now structured the same so we can now offer the same features to athletics clubs as we do to running and triathlon clubs. Watch this space.

3rd February 2024
NEW FEATURE ALERT Training locations update

We've just made updating meeting locations for training sessions/groups even easier !!! 

If your club meets at various locations for training you can now compile a Training Locations list Organise > Training > Groups & Locations

Your club's location list will be available when creating training sessions, adding groups to a session, or when creating a training session template. From app update 2.6.5 your club's training leaders will be able to select from the club's predetermined training locations list when they manage their group's details within the connectMyClub app/web app. Your training leaders will still be able to use the interactive map to pinpoint their group's meeting location if the place where they wish to meet up isn't in the club's training location list.

We hope this update will make it even easier to manage club training sessions.

7th December 2023
Life Members and how to handle membership renewals.

We've recently had a query about how to handle life members and their membership renewals.

You can now create a membership category Organise > Membership > Form Setup specifically for life members. If you then select life members as such in their member profile Organise > Members  open a member's profile then open Club Roles & Age Categories you will see a switch for Life Member

Now, when a Life Member opens their membership form in their connectMyClub app or web app they will see any Life Member-specific membership categories. No other club members will see these life member-specific membership categories.

Life Members is also now a default communication category.

13th November 2023
Ready, steady

We've just updated the web app and PWA. We've also uploaded app update 2.4.0 to the App Store and to Google Play.

There's one new feature which we've not yet told you about. Your club can now rename the home screen title of Ready, steady... to something that is more pertinent to your club. Be creative, you have a maximum of 15 characters.

To change the home screen title head over to your club portal. Go to Club Details & Setup > App setup At the top of the app mock up you will see Ready, Steady... Change this to your new home screen title then save your layout.

We can't wait to see what you come up with.

4th November 2023
Exciting app update news

We've been hard at work on the next version of the connectMyClub app so that we can expand the customisation options for each club.

In the next app update, which will improve app performance and functionality, each club will be able to tailor the app's sidebar and footer menus to better show the app features which it uses and hide those which it does not currently use. Menu options can be switched on and off at any time in the Club Details & Setup > App Setup section of the club's connectMyClub portal.

The menu options feature on the club portal is live now. Please feel free to check this out to set up your club's sidebar menu ready to see in the upcoming app update.

10th July 2023
Colour Coded Training Groups

App update 2.1.3 has just been uploaded to Apple and Google for approval. The update is available on the web app.

In this update clubs can colour code their individual training groups to help club members to visually differentiate between different the groups within a training session. To add / update a training group's colour login to the club portal then go to Organise > Training > Groups where you can select a colour for each of your club's training groups. You can also now update a group's title as long as the groups has not yet been used within a training session.

19th June 2023
Latest App Update

We've uploaded app version 2.1.0 for approval in the app store and Google Play today. The main thing with this app update is to bring functionality back to those few users who are using iOS 14 - 14.4.x The web app works for these devices as does the app on our iOS 14 emulator.

Another update is the ability for you members to let the club know who are the people they are able to bring along to help with volunteering at your club's events.

We hope this update proves useful for your club and members.

11th April 2023
Club Races

We've been doing a bit of development on club races.

A few clubs may have recently received an email to say their club's race details have been transferred to their club portal. This allows clubs to add further details for the race and, if your club has a website powered by connectMyClub, you no longer need to create a separate page to show off your club race. Adding your club race in Organise > Races automatically creates a webpage for your race. We are also developing a Races page on the connectMyClub website to give club races free advertising. 

This update is something we're putting in place to allow clubs to sell race ticket directly on a website powered by connectMyClub and through the connectMyClub app, rather than using a third party website. We're currently waiting for UKA to update their systems to allow us to develop a UKA URN validation. We'll keep you updated on this proposed new feature.

2nd March 2023
Club Websites

Would your club benefit from a website which ensures all information is up to date and is easy for the committee to manage?

Why not try a website which is powered by connectMyClub ?

Below is a list of club websites which are online right now and are powered by connectMyClub

Each club which has a website powered by connectMyClub started off with a temporary URI which they used to get their site looking just right. When they were happy we, at connectMyClub, helped them to update their current web hosting to show their connectMyClub powered website. Some of the clubs above had lost contact with the person who set up their hosting and original website. Ian helped them gain access back to their website hosting. He then worked with them to move the hosting to the same servers on which connectMyClub uses. So, they now have all of their website information in one easy to manage place.

If this sounds like a website solution which would help your club please get in touch.

9th December 2022
Photo Albums feature has been updated

We've been busy at work with the photo albums feature. Before today clubs needed to use their Google Photos account to upload photographs for members to view in their connectMyClub app. This way clubs could keep high resolution photos in a central location before uploading their albums to connectMyClub.

The update which we've been working on enables clubs to create a photo album directly on connectMyClub, without the requirement to use a Google account. Check out the update in the club portal > Photo Albums

6th November 2022
Restricting training

We have now set up the Juniors to Seniors to automatically update on a particular birthday. If you have juniors at your club, you can set this birthday on the Members page of the club portal. If you do not have a junior section you do not need to do anything.

We then got to thinking, do any clubs restrict training groups by junior/senior or male/female? At our club we do not have juniors and all groups are open to all genders. But, is this the case for every club?

If you would like us to develop a feature where training groups can be restricted by age group or gender please let us know. 

30th October 2022
A few important updates

We have just uploaded an app update (1.4.7) with a tweak to the membership form, qualifications, club documents, and club competitions sections. 

Membership Form

As previously mentioned we have had a few new clubs on board recently. We felt the membership form needed to evolved accordingly to suit. The membership form no longer requires membership categories or payment options. This way the form can be used to get club members to update their details e.g. ICE & contact, without needing to pay for their memberships, assuming your club uses a different option for members to pay their subs.  Obviously you can still set membership categories with the relevant fee and take payment using your Stripe account through the app. 

We have removed the PayPal option from the payment method options. We felt this could be confusing as connectMyClub has never integrated PayPal and this was only an option if the club used PayPal in another way.

Qualifications & Accreditations

Clubs can no longer update members' qualifications through the club portal, however, using the latest app update members can update their qualifications & accreditations along with any expiry date. The qualification will still show on the members profile on the Club Portal.

Club Documents & Competitions 

Both of these features can now be filed in  to 'folders' If you have a lot of club documents stored in connectMyClub or show a lot of Club Competition tables you may want to file the documents or competitions in to folders to reduce the length of the list in the app. If a folder exists the documents / competitions will be shown in an "accordion" (collapsible) list.

We hope these updates will prove useful.

16th September 2022
The connectMyClub app is now live

The connectMyClub app is now live on both Google Play and the Apple App Store. The new app replaces the My Running Club and My Tri Club apps. We will leave the both old apps on the app stores for a little while yet. Your members can continue to use their current club app for the time being. They will see a prompt whenever they use their My Running Club or My Tri Club app to invite them to install and use the connectMyClub app.

As you are aware we have been running the new app as a beta version for a while now. Many bugs have been fixed and improvements made, but as always with app development there are bound to be improvements which can still be made. If there is anything which you or your club members think could improve the app please let us know and we'll look at any suggestions.

If any of your members do not have a suitable mobile device on which to run the new app there is also a near fully functioning web version at

If you have any reference to the My Running Club or My Tri Club app on your website or in club documentation please could you change these references from the old apps and now reference the connectMyClub app. Here are the links to the app on Google Play and on the Apple App Store

Thank you for all help in the beta testing period.

5th August 2022
NEW APP : Update

Today we made a big step forward in the iOS app. We have 90% fully functional and should be able to release for Beta testing by the end on August.

Beta testing of the Android and web apps is ongoing with various clubs and their members. If anyone else at any club would like to trial the new Android app please ask them to get in touch with us at Anyone can use the web app at

20th June 2022
New connectMyClub app - Update

An update on the new connectMyClub app

We've just begun the beta testing phase for the web version of the all new app. This will run initially for a few weeks internally and with Massey Ferguson Running Club. Following this initial phase we will fix any issues which arise then open up the next phase of testing to all clubs. Once any creases are ironed out during testing we will create the new iOS and Android app. The fully functioning web app will stay online and replace the current member's portal. This means even if a club member doesn't have a mobile device on which to run an iOS or Android app the can have the same app on their computer.

In the meantime we would like to get all app users involved. Please spread the message if you can. We are running a competition on our social media channels @connectmyclub and Facebook where your members can submit a photo to be used on the new login screen. The image shown on the current web app login a screen was kindly submitted by a member of Paul Popham Running Club

We will keep you updated with any further developments.

5th May 2022
Club members gender

In line with English Athletics, apologies to our Scottish and Welsh clubs, we assume things will be similar, each member's Gender at birth can now be recorded on their member profile alongside the current Male / Female mailing list option. All members are automatically assigned a Gender at birth based on which mailing list they are currently place on, so there's no need to do any extra admin unless a particular member has changed their gender.

31st March 2022
Membership Renewals

It has become apparent that some clubs leave the membership renewal process open all year, we think, to accommodate new joiners. This isn't how the feature was initially designed. As this seems to be the way in which some clubs use the renewal the feature, in the all new app (in development), there will be an option to show the membership form to new members and the membership renewal form too existing members during the membership renewal period.

The all new app is well into its development. We will let clubs know more later in the year when we're nearer to launching. The current intention is to remove the members portal from the website. Instead have a fully working browser version of the app to sit alongside the iOS and Android apps. 

24th February 2022
Future plans for the apps

We will soon be stopping development on new features for the My Running Club & My Tri Club apps. This is because we believe the framework on which the apps are currently built has taken us as far as it can. Therefore we're planning to redevelop the apps from the ground up.

We currently have an improvement to the photo albums feature and a "Meet the committee" feature being developed. When these are complete we will issue the app update. Then we will move our efforts onto the new improved app.

We will be working our way through each of the apps' many features to make them as user friendly and bug free as possible. The new framework which we have chosen will make the app much sleeker by implementing more of Android's and iOS' native features.

Obviously we'll still be here to offer support and to fix any bugs within the current apps.

29th December 2021
2022 Strava Challenge

It's only a few days until the end of the 2021 100km per month Stava challenge and the beginning of the 2022 "900 mins" Strava challenge. Sounds like a lot but it's only ~30 minutes per day of any Strava recorded exercise. Just ensure you've connected your Strava to your connectMyClub account to take part.

21st December 2021
Training Incident Report Feature

We've just added a new feature to app in update 4.2.05 and to the connectMyClub club portal.

If there is an incident or accident during a training session, training leaders can now submit an incident report from their app. Highlighting the time which the incident occurred. Pinpointing the exact location of the incident on the interactive map. As well as submitting a brief description of events and selecting the club member or members involved. This will all feed through to the club portal, enabling the club to keep a record of the incident and to help submit any incident reports to the relevant governing body.

17th October 2021
App features now available via web browser

Following the recent Internet wide security update which is preventing some older devices from accessing some websites and apps, including the My Running Club and My Tri Club apps, we have been busy working to get all club based app features onto the connectMyClub user web portal. Club members can now interact with the club and other club members using a computer's Internet browser as well as your club app.

We have added all club related features to the member's web portal so even as technology moves on and older mobile devices can no longer access the apps they used to your club members will still be able to interact with the club via a computer's Internet browser.

26th September 2021
Virtual Training Wallets

We've just uploaded an app update for review with a new Training Wallet feature. This feature will enable club members to add money to a virtual wallet to pay for training sessions.

Rather than needing to enter credit card details for each and every paid training session club members will be able to add money to their virtual wallet. When they want to participate in a paid training session the cost will be deducted from their virtual wallet.

With members only needing to add funds if they want to or when the funds in their wallet are low this will save the club money as transaction fees are only deducted when the wallet is topped up and not each and every time a session is paid for.

11th September 2021
Covid-19 Statement and Features

Now that most government Covid-19 guidelines have been relaxed or lifted and clubs are beginning to turn off the Covid-19 features we felt it time to simplify the Covid-19 training statement which club members confirm before joining a training group. 

The Covid-19 statement will now read "I will not attend this group if at the time of the training session I cannot adhere to the latest government or my club's Covid-19 guidelines.

Attendance records (Track & Trace) will still be available to all clubs whether the Covid-19 features have been disabled or not.

20th August 2021
This week's updates

We had a few update requests in this week which we've now incorporated into club portals. One of which was for the ability to create bundles in the club shop. 

Club Shop - Bundles

Bundles can now be created in the club's shop. A bundle may consist of a club beanie hat, vest, and a mug. These items may normally cost £35, if purchased individually, with a bundle you can set the cost as £30 when purchased together. Hopefully another way to swell the club coffers whilst giving club members a bit of a discount.

13th August 2021
///what3words address for all races

We have now complete the task of updating all races in our race database with their own ///what3words address. You can use the My Running Club or My Tri Club app to find your way to the start of Kenilworth Half Marathon ///brick.other.epic or Brighton Marathon ///haven.hooks.joins

12th August 2021
///what3words partnership
Following connectMyClub's partnership with ///what3words we have been adding more ///what3words features to the club app and portal.

Training Sessions

When setting up training sessions and groups, ///what3words addresses are automatically generated when setting locations by clicking in the map. This can be particularly useful when a session or group is to meet in a new or out of the way location. Club members will then see the ///what3words button assigned to their training group. Tap the button and the ///what3words app or website will load the exact location. What could be simpler?

Already know the ///what3words location?

If you already know the ///what3words location this can be entered in the ///what3words input box when setting up training. The map will updated and the address verified.

Hosted Races

Does your club put on races which public or other clubs' members can enter? Now you can create these races directly in the connectMyClub race database so that all connectMyClub users can add your club race to their race calendar. When setting up the race be sure to add the race location, using the interactive map, so anyone entering the race will be able to find the race HQ with the auto generated ///what3words address.
9th August 2021
Club Admin - Permissions and a few other updates

Admin Permissions

We had a request to add in extra admin permission for members with club admin rights. E.g. Bob Jones looks after merchandise but we don't need him to have access to the members list and members' personal details. This feature is now in place. If a member has been given admin rights be default they will have access to all club portal pages. Club's can now limit areas of the club portal by turning off admin rights in the member's profile

Club Location

When setting up training session you will have seen the location map. If a club has saved a postcode the training map will centre on the postcode co-ordinates. As we know postcode areas can be quite broad. You can now fine tune your club's main location in the club set up page

Event Reports

Club members can now submit race / event reports for any event which they take part in. Previously the event needed to be in the member's event calendar. Club's can also copy n' paste any reports which they receive via email so they show in the app.

2nd August 2021
Multiple Training Group Leaders

We've just pushed through an update to the training session creation page. The update will allow each training group to have multiple set group leaders whereas previously this was limited to two set leaders per group.

This has taken some head scratching due to the Covid-19 features which we've developed of the past 16 months. We think all is working as expected in both the app and connectMyClub portal.

If something isn't quite working as you expect please do let us know and we will endeavour to rectify the issue.

/// what3words

We've also now added a feature where locations can be set on the interactive map for both training sessions and separately for each group within the session. In the next app update club members will be able to view each session and group location on the in-app interactive maps.

Group leaders will also be able to set up the ///what3words and interactive map location for new training sessions / groups directly from their app. 

30th July 2021
Updated Features

From app version 4.1.49 clubs can show an interactive map of training session locations. The Training Map button can be toggled on or off by each club via the app setup tab of the club training page

Clubs can now set the location of a training session using the new map feature in the training session setup section. The location of the session can then be used to populate all training groups within the session. Training group locations can still be set at the group level should they differ or be changed by the groups leader.

If the Training Map is turned on a marker of each training session location will be shown on the Training Map in the app. When a marker is tapped the corresponding training session will scroll into view in the training section.

This feature is more likely to be useful if your club has training sessions spread over a large geographical area. 

What else is new?

We have added a new Message Board admin feature. In the unlikely event that someone at the club uses abusive language in a message board post the post can be deleted at club level.

We have added a similar feature for training group messages. This feature can be accessed the same way as editing a group's details.

We hope each club can make use of these features. If you do use them and think of a way in which they could be improved please do let us know.

19th July 2021
No Set Leader Option

With the easing of Covid-19 restrictions we have now re-activated the No Set Leader option for training groups. No Set Leader can be set with or without the Covid-19 Statement being activated.

Like before, the No Set Leader option allows for any training leader in the club to access member's ICE detail and check members into and out of training sessions. As well as complete other group leader functions.

We hope this helps with organising your training sessions.

15th June 2021
Updating Training Session Times

We understand that mistakes can happen so we've implemented a small update so training session times can now be updated.

If there is a requirement to update a session's start time and date each club member who is in any of the groups within the session will receive a push notification, to their mobile devices, and an email to let them know of the updated details.

We have tested this feature within our small test group. We feel this feature may need some adjustments going forward, to improve it's functionality, when used with larger training sessions. If your club has any working feedback when this feature is put into use please do let us know. We can only improve features with your feedback. 

29th May 2021
Membership Numbers

Just a quick update today. 

Club members' membership numbers are now linked to their club profile and can be updated by the club admins, as well as the club members, using their app. Some people will have already stored their membership numbers i their app.

The intention of the membership number is to store club members' athletic association membership numbers e.g. English, Welsh, Scottish, Athletics Membership.

25th May 2021
Club Training Routes

We have just uploaded app update 4.1.44 for approval with Apple & Google.

In this update training leaders will be able to create training routes, using their mobile app, using either publicly viewable Strava or Garmin Connect routes.

If a training leader would like to create a training route using a GPX file they can still do this, as well as using Strava or Garmin links, via their connectMyClub portal.

We hope this make managing club training a little simpler.